Sculpting a portrait from research

In this visually rich course, see through Amelia’s eyes as she demonstrates her method for researching and sculpting realistic portraits from existing photographs (not from a sitting). Amelia shows you every step of her process in detail, enabling you to apply her method to your own subject.

  • 25 in-depth and engaging video lessons

    Amelia demonstrates every single step of her process in detail. From the equipment she uses, how to find the right photos, sizing and measuring from photos, and of course the entire sculpting process.

  • Downloadable material

    Downloadable notes and work-in-progress photographs of Amelia's sculpture. Printable transcripts of each video for you to refer to in the studio.

  • Over 7 hours of video tuition

    Learn how to collate a photo reference file for your subject, create a gridded-up front-on and profile, and learn how to build your portrait step-by-step from blocking out to final finishing.

Amelia shows you every step of her process in detail, enabling you to apply her method to your own subject.

Amelia shares what she has learned during her 25 years working as a professional commercial portrait sculptor. In this much-requested course she shows you how she uses a grid drawn onto two life-sized photos from the front and profile, to accurately portray the subject.

  • How to decide on a pose, research the celebrity, collate a file on them and create a gridded life-size front-on and profile image to work from.

  • How to use photos and anatomical knowledge to block out the structure of the portrait, to create a solid and accurate basis on which to build the bust.

  • How to use reference photos to refine and model as accurate a likeness as possible to the subject.

  • Each lesson includes a comprehensive tutorial video, notes, and work in progress photographs of Amelia's sculpture.

  • Full unlimited access to this visually rich and detailed masterclass will be £299.99.

Please note: If you have never sculpted a portrait before, we strongly recommend you take Amelia’s first portrait sculpting course STRONG FOUNDATIONS, and preferably the USEFUL ANATOMY course too, before trying to sculpt a portrait with this method. Nothing covered in the existing courses will be repeated in this course. This is considered an advanced course, for people with some prior experience.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1 : Getting started

    • 1.1 Introduction

    • 1.2 Preparation

    • 1.3 Expression

    • 1.4 Sizing up

    • 1.5 Gridding up

    • 1.6 Research

    • 1.7 Equipment

  • 2

    Chapter 2 : Blocking out

    • 2.1 Clay on : profile, traguses

    • 2.2 Skull structure: front and sides

    • 2.3 Skull Structure: three quarter angles

    • 2.4 Blocking in: neck and chest

    • 2.5 Blocking in eyes

    • 2.6 Gridding up: front on

    • 2.7 Gridding up: profiles

    • 2.8 Three quarter angles

    • 2.9 Sketching in hair

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Refining and Finishing

    • 3.1 Symmetry

    • 3.2 Slightly turned head

    • 3.3 Unifying forms

    • 3.4 Over shoulder

    • 3.5 Ups and downs

    • 3.6 Final grid up

    • 3.7 Bust area

    • 3.8 Final modelling

    • 3.9 Final finishing

Reviews of Sculpting Masterclass courses

Read all full reviews here.

“It’s an incredible step-by-step guide for anyone interested in this type of sculpting. Amelia Rowcroft is a true master of her craft!”

The Shiflett Brothers, USA

“I can wholeheartedly recommend this well presented, comprehensive course."

Colin De Klerk, Australia

“The course is well executed and well structured. It was just what I needed."

Vito Pace, Germany

“This course has been so well designed from the ground up. From what tools are available, to building the armature and applying clay. Everything is explained and demonstrated clearly.”

George Damerum, London, UK

“I absolutely love this course. It quickly becomes obvious what a huge amount of energy and thought must have been put into in."

Dusan Pavlicek, Czechia